What is

Kinesiology originated in the 1960s when a chiropractor named Dr George Goodheart discovered the relationship between Chinese meridians and muscle groups, organs, and glands in the body.

The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) was founded in 1985 by Brian H Butler, who was the first to pioneer the practice of Kinesiology in Britain and Europe in 1976; it was under his daughter, Claire Muller that I studied and achieved the highest accreditation of Diploma.

Kinesiology uses simple and effective. muscle testing techniques to identify and get to the root cause of health issues rather than just deal with a problem’s symptoms.



What can Kinesiology
help with?

Kinesiology can help with so many emotional, psychological, and physical conditions, it’s impossible to list them all here.  However, here are some of the more common and chronic health conditions that people see me for:

  • Anxiety
  • Low energy
  • Pain
  • Food sensitivities
  • Skin conditions
  • Fears and phobias,
  • Muscular/skeletal problems
  • Digestive disorders including IBS,
  • Autoimmune disesases
  • Fibromalagia
  • Menopause and other hormonal related issues
  • Prostate
  • Headaches, migraine
  • Insomnia, and more!

Balancing the whole person and not just parts 

Many approaches to healthcare claim to be holistic, but it is truly difficult to find a therapy that actually and actively practises this.

Kineseiology addresses the whole person, mentally, physically, chemically, structurally – i.e.,

Mind – thinking, reasoning, feeling emotions

Chemical – food, drugs, preservatives, polluted air

Physical – structure, bones, muscles and posture

Energy – life force, chi, meridians and aura

We cannot affect one part without affecting the whole.

Plan a Visit

First sessions can last between 60-90 minutes. Repeat sessions generally last between 60-75 minutes.  Comfortable clothing is advised.

To book a session, Email Anna directly using the button below.

Gift vouchers available on request.